Current Affairs

#3: What the P.C. Police Won't Tell You

Episode Summary

The *Current Affairs* panel discusses why right-wing commentators feel so aggrieved, figures out what we mean by prison abolition, and make the complicated simple and the simple complicated.

Episode Notes

The Current Affairs panel discusses why right-wing commentators feel so aggrieved, figures out what we mean by prison abolition, and make the complicated simple and the simple complicated.

The Panel:

Further reading on the 'Intellectual Dark Web':

Here is the original New York Times op-ed on the Intellectual Dark Web and here is Nathan's rebuttal.

Further reading on prison abolition:

A Voxplainer on prison abolition is here and a Jacobinsplainer on prison abolition is here. Nathan's grappling with prison abolition is here and a hopeful piece from Mother Jones on North Dakota's experiment with Scandinavian-style prisons is here.

Further reading on simple things that are actually complicated and complicated things that are actually simple:

David Graeber's book on debt is called: Debt: The First 5,000 years. The study Brie referenced about election strategy is here. The Greenwald piece on animal abuse that Brianna referenced is here. You can learn more about social housing as a solution to homelessness here and Pete wrote up a short piece on participatory care, which is here.

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